When I Died, He Trampled on my Ashes - Chapter 4
Jake fought with her about it a lot, even threatened to cut ties with his family just to be with me. But the woman he loved was responsible for his mom’s death.
How could he ever accept that? After dropping Ashley off, Jake seemed to remember I existed. Showing a rare act of mercy, he unblocked my number and reached for his phone, drumming his fingers on the steering wheel.
His brow started to furrow. He slammed his hand on the steering wheel, his face twisted with rage.
“Annie, you dare not pick up? You’re dead to me!”
But what he didn’t know was that I wasn’t ignoring him. I just couldn’t answer anymore. Two weeks later, Jake finally came back to our house.
He pushed the door open with the force of a violent storm, yelling, “Annie, you get your ass out here now!”
He stormed through the rooms, throwing open doors, but I was nowhere to be found. Jake’s already dark mood soured even further.
He ordered his people to find me, his voice dripping with menace. “Annie, if you’re running, you better run far. Because when I get my you better run far. Because when I get my hands on you, I’m breaking your legs.”
But the woman whose legs he wanted to break was right in front of him. Not long after, his people sent him a location.
Jake’s face turned terrifying. I looked at him, confused.
“Mr. Harrison, we found traffic camera footage of Mrs. Harrison’s car accident. Plus…her autopsy report.”
Jake just stood there, stunned. Riley used the chance to clock him in the jaw.
Riley climbed to his feet, looking down at Jake, who was still reeling.
“Now, get your people out of my house.”
But Jake suddenly lunged up and shoved Riley out of the way, and into the study. My photos were all over the desk. In every single one, I was covered in blood.
Some were so bad, you couldn’t even recognize me. I only glanced at them before looking away. I knew what I looked like when I died. An eye dangling out, half my skull crushed.
The coroner had a hell of a time identifying me. But Riley just had those pictures sitting out in plain sight.
I felt sad for him. I don’t know how he didn’t have nightmares. But Jake was holding those photos now, frantically searching for something.
He was desperate.
The corners of the photos were bending under his tight grip. He listened to his people’s report, then stared at the computer screen in disbelief.
It was the video of my accident. Two cars collided head–on, my car just went flying. The image was devastating.
Jake’s eyes went red. His hand was shaking on the mouse, but he kept watching the video, over and over again.
“How did you know about the crash?”
Jake’s voice was hoarse. He was probably wondering how Riley knew something that he didn’t.
Riley just smirked. “Didn’t you figure it out? Her last call was to me.”
“She barely had the strength to talk, but she used her last breath to tell me something.”
“What?” Jake was tense.
Riley took his time, savoring Jake’s frustration and anger.
“What?” Jake’s eyes were bloodshot, staring at Riley.
Finally, Riley dropped the smirk. “She said Ashley killed your mother.”
“No way.”
Jake shot down the claim instantly.