When I Died, He Trampled on my Ashes - Chapter 10
He’s scared, his eyes were fixed on the road. I told him not to rush, but he slowed down.
He laughed. “It’s almost here. Are you scared?”
I shook my head.
Riley said, “That’s good. Annie, in your next life, don’t do that again.”
I nodded, but couldn’t talk. The car stopped at the ocean. Riley stayed in the car.
He was shaking. We knew what was next.
I touched his hand.
Riley smiled, “Let’s go.”
He took off his necklace, attached was a glass bottle that had my ashes. Riley and I walked on the sand, he put his hands in his pocket and smiled.
I stopped at a rock.
I nodded.
“Okay, here.”
Riley opened the bottle and poured the ashes onto his hand. Then, he tossed it into the ocean.
“Go, Annie, you’re free!”
A light breeze took my ashes. Riley and I looked at each other and smiled. Finally, I was free.
Jake ran to me, crying.
“Riley, give me Annie’s ashes, please!”
I looked at Jake, he looked horrible. He had dark circles and bags under his eyes. His face was pale.
He said, “Did you pour Annie’s ashes? Did you throw her away?”
Riley punched Jake and shouted, “You’re the one who threw her away!”
“Weren’t you marrying Ashley?”
“Didn’t you hate Annie? Why do you care now?”
Jake started to cough blood, “I wasn’t going to marry Ashley, I just wanted Annie.”
“To hurt her? What a great way to do it. You’re disgusting.”
Jake was speechless, Riley was right. If I hadn’t died, it would’ve destroyed me. Jake laid on the sand, calling my name.
My body was fading. Riley punched Jake a couple more times. Then, he looked at me.
It was a goodbye.
I smiled, Riley smiled back.
He smiled.
It caught Jake’s attention.
Jake followed his gaze, but he couldn’t see anything. He pushed Riley out of the way and asked,
“Can you see Annie?”
“Where is she?”
“Riley, tell me where she is!”
He looked everywhere, but couldn’t see me.
Riley said, “Yeah, I see her.”
“I could see her since the day you showed up at my house. She’s been with you, didn’t you notice?”
Jake was confused. He looked at Riley.
Riley kept going, “She went to the wedding.”
“She was there when you spilled her ashes.”
“Jake, Annie saw everything.”
Jake was heartbroken.
“Where is she?”
Riley pointed to me.
“She’s there, but she’s disappearing. You’ll never see her again.”
“Oh yeah, Annie left a message for you.”
“She said she hates you, and she regrets meeting you.”
Riley looked at me apologetically, I didn’t say that. I smiled and gave Riley one last look.
“Riley, I wish you well.”
As I disappeared, I saw Jake calling my name and running into the ocean. Riley sat on the sand, he didn’t help.
Jake and I, it ended when he sunk to the bottom of the sea.