Love and Hate Are Gone - Chapter 6
But Kate didn’t show up, and instead, Greg’s secretary appeared, looking panicked: “Mr. Greg, I’m sorry, but your wife is gone!”
Greg stared at the dress he’d had sent over with his secretary, still neatly folded in the box. He didn’t get it. He frowned and said, “What do you mean, she’s gone? Is she not at home?”
“I don’t think it’s just that…..” His secretary handed him the divorce papers with an awkward look.
Greg was stunned. Before he could even speak, Ashley walked over, rubbing her belly. She saw the papers and snorted, “Kate is being so dramatic, like she’s still a teenager. What a joke.”
“Honey, she’s just mad you defended me yesterday. You know how she is, she wants you on your hands and knees, begging her to come back, like some prize to win. She’s been playing these games forever.”
“Seriously, she was the one who hit me first. The nerve of her. After you went through the trouble of planning that birthday party for her and designing that dress! She’s heartless.” “Don’t worry, honey. Ignore her. She’ll be back. She’s almost thirty, had all those miscarriages,
and can’t even have kids. Who’d want her? She practically begs for your attention, like a little puppy. She needs to be taught her place.”
Greg said nothing, staring at the divorce papers. The “Kate” on the signature line was so forcefully scrawled it almost tore through the paper. He knew Kate well enough to know this wasn’t a game.
Not long after they got married, Kate got pregnant with their first child. He remembered they were watching videos on the couch one day, and a woman kept threatening her husband with divorce, until the guy finally gave in. Greg always thought that was weak, he hated being threatened.
Kate told him, very seriously, “Greg, if I marry you, I’m never gonna say the word ‘divorce.‘ But if I ever do, you’ll know it’s serious.”
At the time, he was too focused on getting rid. of the baby, because Ashley had come crying to him about how Mark couldn’t have kids and if he didn’t become the CEO, she was going to suffer. He had brushed off her words, and now his heart was racing.
When Ashley finished her spiel, he noticed people around them were starting to snicker. Not at him, but at Kate. Because of her miscarriages, people had started calling her “The Baby Killer“. Greg had heard the rumors before and would just laugh it off.
But now, the looks felt intrusive, and he was getting annoyed at Ashley. It was Kate’s birthday. Why did she have to insult her in front of all those people? Everyone knows Kate’s had her miscarriages. What was her point?
Greg’s face fell. “Ashley, Kate is your aunt–in- law. You shouldn’t be calling her by her first name all the time. It’s disrespectful.”
Ashley looked shocked, and said, “Oh, right. I’m just so used to it, we’re friends!”
“Friends?” Greg looked at her with a hard edge. “I’ve known Kate since she was a kid. She’s never been some puppy, begging for attention, and she’s never chased after any guy. You stole Mark and she just let it go. What you just said, that’s what you call a friend?”
Greg looked around the room. “The party’s over. I’m going to find my wife. Everyone can leave.”
Greg, who would usually give in to her, wasn’t having it this time. He always thought Ashley was delicate and needed him to look after her. But her words just now, had changed his mind. She was fake.
Greg pulled away. “Go see a doctor, Mark should be coming back today. You should have your husband take care of you. I’m just your uncle–in–law now.”
“I’ve done what I could do for you. From now on, you’re on your own. I’m gonna go find Kate now.”
“And don’t ever talk about her like that again. Don’t take advantage of her then insult her at the same time. You need to have some shame.”
Then he walked out, not looking back. When he got home, his private doctor called.
“Mr. Greg, your fashion show for Ashley wasn’t supposed to be public, so how is it all over the internet? What if your wife sees it? She just had a miscarriage.”
Greg realized someone had been taking pictures of him and Ashley, posting them for attention.
Had Kate seen it too? His email pinged. It was the audio message from Kate. Greg opened it up, excited but when he heard her words, his face went white. Kate knew everything that night. That’s why she was begging him not to let her drink that milk.
What had he done?
“Hello? Mr. Greg, you there? If you have the time, please bring your wife in for a check up.” “She can’t go…”