Chasing His Rejected Wife
I sagged against the wall of the clinic, not trusting my legs to carry me any further without collapsing into a heap on the floor.
Slowly, as though in a slow-motion video, I lifted the picture clutched tight in my left hand and stared at the black and white mass that the nurse had handed over to me after the doctor had pronounced the four words that I had not been expecting at all.
Disbelief shock and a dozen other thoughts waged a battle in my head. My most prominent thought was ‘How?’ How could I have gotten pregnant?
That was a silly question, really. After all, I knew all about how babies were made, I wasn’t that naive. Still, it had been just the one time, my first time. One time.
A headache bloomed in my temples and I sighed and let my eyes drift shut. Unconsciously, I crumpled the paper in a tight fist, fighting the surge of tears that stung my lids. This was not the time to give in to bouts of self-pity, I had to figure out what to do, how to break the news to Aiden, and brace myself for what came after.