Catching Genesis by Nicole Riddley - Chapter 46
You know that theory that Serena had about Caspian throwing a dart at a map to decide where to go next? It turns out that her theory is correct.
He’s deciding where to go and which university to attend, and he’s dragging me into it. When I say dragged, I mean he literally and physically dragged me here to do it.
Three years have passed since that incident with Milan. We’ve traveled the world the first year after high school graduation.
The five of us. Sometimes my best friend Penny would join us, and we visited my old pack often. Most of the last two years we spent here in Banehallow Palace, Russia.
Now we’re in Caspian’s bedchamber in the east wing of the Palace. He has a map of the USA and Canada taped to the wall of his suit.
Caspian’s bedchamber is more like a two story suite. Both levels are luxuriously decorated in red, gold, black, white and cream.
The first floor, where we are now in, has sofas and chairs facing a big screen tv with PlayStation, Xbox and all the other latest video game consoles.
One wall is dominated entirely by bookcases, filled with books from different times and written in different languages.
Contrary to his appearance as a royal brat with no brain, he actually loves to read. He can also speak and read in so many languages.
There’s a comfortable reading alcove by the big arched window overlooking the garden below. You can only access the second level of his suite through his room.
His massive bed is on the second floor, along with a balcony as well as a huge fireplace. No one else is allowed into his private space except for us and his trusted valet.
The Palace has its own media room and a huge library, but I think Caspian likes his privacy. I know there are so many layers to this prince in spite of his playful, bratty, childish manners that he shows to the world.
“Come on, Red, now it’s your turn,” he urges me. He threw a dart the first time with his eyes closed. It landed in the middle of nowhere with no college nearby. The second time he did it, it landed in the middle of Lake Huron.
“This is stupid, Caspian. Why can’t we just pick a good college that offers a good program that we like, apply like normal people do and just go?”
“That’s a stupid way to do it. Besides, this is more fun,” he disagrees.
Gah! Why do I feel like up is down and down is up when I’m talking to this Lycan Prince?
“Look, the last time I did it, you ended up meeting Constantine. You still think it’s stupid?”
“Fine!!!! Give me that thing!” I exclaimed, holding out my hand for the dart.
“Did you ever tell everyone else that this is how you decide they’re spending the next few years of their lives? By throwing the dart at the map?” I ask him before I close my eyes.
“Nope! You’re the only one I let in on the secret. You should feel honored, Red.”
“Yippee!!!” I say flatly, while trying to figure out which way I should point the dart to. Maybe on Caspian’s gorgeous forehead. That would end the discussion.
Well, we ended up coming to California. The dart had spoken. The dart that I threw landed right on a college town. A community College, no less. Lazarus, Serena, and Constantine were less than impressed when Caspian broke the news to them.
We could’ve gone to an Ivy league university, argued Lazarus. Caspian was adamant that this is the place we should be. Then he accused Lazarus of being a snob. Like I said, up is down and down is up with this prince.
We bought a massive three-story beachfront property. It is on three and a half acres of private land, and the house is even more impressive than the house that we were living in three years ago.
It is high-ceilinged and tastefully and lavishly designed. It is sleek and modern with gleaming marble floors.
Almost the entire back walls of the main floor are made of glass, showcasing the outside view with its two-tier waterfall swimming pools and a hot tub facing our private beach. Caspian picked the house, of course.
Caspian also claimed the whole third floor for himself, which we don’t mind at all. Who needs that much space anyway? Well, Caspian, obviously.
I teased him that he needed the space to store all his shoe collection. I was only half kidding too because he has more shoes than I do.
Constantine and Lazarus decided not to attend the college with us. They’re still living with us, just not attending the college.
They manage a lot of business and palace matters from home. Serena and I weren’t that interested in the college either, but Caspian somehow managed to guilt trip us both to join him.
I actually feel bad for Caspian. The last two years we spent in Russia, I’ve come to know his mother, Queen Sophia.
She’s very nice to us all, but her relationship with Caspian is very strained. Queen Sophia is a very authoritative figure. A formidable lady behind that sweet motherly smile.
She wants Caspian to mate with Lady Celeste. I don’t know how long Caspian would be able to fight his mother on that.
He had another massive blow up with the queen a few months ago, and King Alexandros agreed to let Caspian attend university in North America or Europe.
I think that’s what Caspian really wanted. He might have even planned this. I wouldn’t put that past that devious mind of his.
He chose North America, which I don’t mind. I get to see my family and werewolf friends more often.
Well, as for the news from back home, a lot had happened within the stretch of three years.
Alpha Carrington is no longer the alpha. They can’t find enough evidence to convict Alpha Carrington of having anything to do with my kidnapping.
However, he stepped down not long after the incident. Beta Stevens took over from then on since Alpha Carrington has no son to replace him. Logan was his only child.
Hunter became the new Alpha of Shadow Geirolf Pack after he finally found his mate last year. Autumn. That’s right!
My sister Autumn is the new Luna of the pack! It’s hard to believe, not to mention very worrisome when I first heard the news.
She’s doing a great job at it though. I’m very proud of my little sister. I am happy for them both too. I’m happy Autumn found herself a good mate.
I approve of Hunter one hundred percent.
No wonder Hunter thought he was in love with me. I look a lot like my sister…or rather, my sister looks a lot like me. We probably smell a lot alike too.
I’m just a bit worried for Hunter because my sister is a handful and a bit crazy sometimes.
Reese and River have a daughter now. They named her Piper. She’s the most adorable thing ever! She has Reese’s golden ringlets, but River’s almond-shaped brown eyes.
As for Penny and Darius, well, what can I say? It’s obvious that Penny is Darius’s erasthai, but they had been doing this dance for three years now.
Penny had been trying to get close to him, Darius kept pushing her away. Penny tried to get his attention. He ignored her.
Penny kept coming to Banehallow Castle when we were living there in the hope of seeing him and spending time with him. None of us minded her visits.
The five of us were rooting for her. She visited the castle so often that she had her own room there. At first, I thought Penny was winning.
I saw the way Darius looked at Penny when he thought nobody was watching.
He made it clear from the very beginning that he didn’t want her. I feel bad for my friend. It must’ve been painful for her.
Penny tried hard to win his heart. Three years. Three effing years. He showed her in every way possible that he didn’t need or want her. From blatantly ignoring her to parading other women in front of her.
Finally, she admitted defeat. Nobody could stand offering her heart, laying it open at his feet only to have it stepped upon and trampled on over and over again.
I would’ve cut off his balls and feed them to the ducks if I could, but Constantine asked me to stay out of it. Besides, he’s a very intimidating skilled fighter.
Fuzzy slippers! I think he can shrink my head to the size of a walnut just by staring at it.
When it comes down to it, I didn’t think he could stand it if somebody else would come along and claimed Penny. Lycans are very possessive. Darius is no exception.
Anyway, Penny is living here with us at the moment. She’s attending college with us. She says there’s nothing else she’d rather be doing anyway.
She’s going to go all out and experience full college experience, whatever that means. I’m just glad to have my besties with me.
Caspian and I just finished our last class for today. We make our way across campus to meet up with Penny and Serena at Club Espresso Degree.
It’s Caspian’s favorite place to go to on campus for coffee, smoothies, and lunch. We didn’t use to come here often, but I find us going there more and more lately.
I see people straining their necks to look at us as we enter the restaurant. Some do double takes. No matter where we go, people always look. Mostly out of curiosity.
A lot out of lust. Many in awe. Some out of jealousy and envy. I’m okay with it now. I understand we stand out in the crowd, especially among the humans. They mostly don’t know what to make of us.
Humans sense our power, but they don’t understand, or rather don’t rely much on their basic animal instinct that warns them to stay away from danger.
They are attracted to our beautiful human forms.
In our lycan state, we are the stuff that nightmares are made of. Not only do we look like monsters, our moral compass changed along with our appearances.
We kill brutally and without mercy when we feel that we are wronged or one of us is threatened. There will be no regrets even after we have changed back into our human form.
I see girls staring at Caspian with blatant interest and lust. He looks bored. There’s this haughty, aloof expression on his gorgeous face as if everyone in the room is beneath him. That doesn’t help, really.
I think a lot of girls find this very hot. Some might even find it a challenge they can’t resist. When he sees a few girls who have gathered enough courage getting ready to approach him, he just grabs my shoulders and tugs me under his arm.
He told Constantine he’s looking out for me, but I think he’s just using me, or sometimes Serena and Penny as his shields so that human girls don’t get too close. Even that doesn’t work sometimes.
Serena and Penny are waiting for us at a table by the window. A group of guys at a neighboring table is eyeing them with interest.
“Hey, you two!” greets Serena, giving us a big smile. Penny gives us a little wave while furiously typing something on her phone.
“Hey!” Caspian and I reply at the same time.
“We already got you two your shakes,” says Serena, sliding two Super sized plastic cups of smoothies.
Caspian’s favorite is Super Caja, with Caja, banana, strawberries, flax seed, yogurt, acai or some healthy crap like that. Mine is Mango Sunrise, a combination of mango, strawberries, vanilla, and yogurt.
I take a sip. “Ummm… yummy! Thanks.” I grin up at her.
“You wanna order a sandwich or something to take home?” I ask her.
“Nope! I want to try food made by that new cook Caspian hired yesterday,” she answers, deadpan.
“This should be good,” mutters Penny.
Caspian flashes them a big devilish grin.
Oh uh, I don’t like that grin. “I hope we won’t go to bed hungry or have to order pizza or Chinese again tonight,” I tell them.
We’ve been surviving on Pizza and Chinese takeout for dinner for the last few days. The last cook he hired had big boobs, which has nothing to do with her job description.
When I said big, I mean REALLY big. Penny called them bazooka cannons. They reminded me of overblown balloons. But hey, if she could carry those babies around, who am I to judge?
Oooppss! Back to the topic. What I wanted to say was, our cook really can’t cook!
Lazarus fired her yesterday morning after she burnt the toaster trying to make toast. It’s a mystery to me how she managed that feat—burned the toaster.
I guess that’s the last one out of her many mishaps in the kitchen.
So, yeah, we’re still looking for a good cook, or rather, Caspian keeps hiring them, and we keep firing them. I wish we still had Duncan to cook for us.
Duncan is working on opening his own restaurant soon, which is the reason why he turned down our generous offer to move to California.
“Hi, would you like to order anything?” comes a breathy flirty voice of a waitress before we stand up to leave.
The top few buttons of her shirt are undone. In fact, so many of them are undone that her black lacy bra is showing.
“Nope, we’re good,” answers Penny.
“You’re Caspian, right? I’m Jenna. We’re in Gothic Architecture and Art class together,” she adds quickly over Penny, completely ignoring her.
“Would you like me to do anything for you? Anything at all?”
Serena raises an eyebrow, Penny rolls her eyes and I hold in a smirk.
“Well, Jenna…can you bark like a dog for me?” asks Caspian, looking serious.
“Excuse me? Err…sorry, what?” the waitress asks, looking confused.
“Never mind. We’re leaving,” says Caspian looking bored now.
I grab my smoothie and move out of the chair. “Let’s go then.” I can’t wait to see my mate. I missed him the whole day today.
The waitress, Jenna, is still standing there, staring at us in confusion. Poor girl.
“Come on, Beany Penny.” Caspian drawls.
Penny winces at his nickname for her, then she gives him the meanest scowl. That doesn’t affect him at all.
As soon as she stands up, he curves his arm around her neck, making her scowl even more.
Caspian really knows how to push her button. Well, he’s an expert at pushing everyone’s button. Even the forever serene Serena would lose it once in a while because of him.
When we reach the road where we left the car this morning, I can feel the excitement and feel his eyes on me. Constantine! He’s here.
I look around and spot him leaning against his jeep next to where Caspian’s car is parked. He looks so hot with his white t-shirt that follows every curve of his broad muscled chest and flat abs.
Dark jeans that hug his long sinewy legs.
His dark silky hair as messy as usual. He has sunglasses on, but as soon as I smile at him, he lifts it up to reveal his beautiful light silver-gray eyes. His lips curve up slowly into a sexy smile.
My heart goes into overdrive as usual when he’s around. Oh, be still my poor heart.
“OMG! I think my panties just melted,” says one girl to her friends. They are staring at my mate with their backs to us.
“Wow!” Breathes another.
“Well, yeah… he’s smiling this way,” declares another. “I call dibs. You bitches stay here while I go talk to him.”
“Wait a minute, you can’t call dibs! I saw him first!” exclaims the first girl. She pulls her friend who’s about to sashay towards Constantine back behind her.
Caspian grins at me.
“Stupid hoes,” mutters Penny, scowling.
“Go get your man, tiger,” whispers Serena in my ear.
We walk past the three fighting girls. My eyes glued to my mate who’s smiling wider as I get closer. My breath hitches in my chest as I look at my beautiful mate.
The love in his eyes and in his heart is all consuming. I love this man with all my heart and soul. I belong to him completely.
“Hello, sweetheart,” he murmurs as he grabs my waist possessively and tugs me to him. His lips swoop down to capture mine. My hand goes up to hold him at the nape his neck.
His lips are firm and warm yet velvet soft. They’re coaxing mine to open so his tongue can delve inside and explore my mouth and my tongue.
My heart picks up the beat and an explosion of heat and fireworks burst all over my skin. I missed him so much. I’d gone without this for so long. Five long freaking hours!
“Ummm…you taste like strawberry and mango, and you…yummy,” he mumbles against my lips. “I can’t wait to taste the rest of you.”
He trails his mouth across my jaw and down to my neck, sucking me there. If he doesn’t stop now, we might end up getting arrested for public indecency.
“Continue this at home, you two. We don’t get paid to make porn in public!” yells Caspian.
Constantine flips him the bird, though he pulls back a bit. I lift my cup of smoothie to his lips so he can take a sip.
“What are you doing here? We’re on our way home,” I ask him.
“I missed you. Can’t stand waiting for you at home any longer, this is torture, sweetheart. It felt like forever. We’ve gotta do something about this.” He sighs.
“And I hate the way those guys are looking at my mate,” he growls. “Maybe I should attend classes here too, so you won’t be away from me for that long…and so I can pound those pricks who..”
“Just stop talking and kiss me again,” I tell him as I sink my fingers in his thick luxurious hair, tug his head down and plant his lips on mine. He’s so hot when he’s jealous.
Serena and Penny ride with Caspian, while I go home with Constantine.
He holds my hand all the way home. His eyes slide to me every now and then like he can’t keep his eyes off of me. Once in a while, he raises my hand to his lips.
It’s always been like this every time we’re in the car together.
We’ve hardly ever been apart these last three years. Today is the second time we’re away from each other that long since I started college.
He really is a part of me. My other half. I know I would gladly leave this world if he’s not in it.
As soon as we get home, I enter the kitchen to see a human cook, wearing nothing but a g-string and an apron. Her ample and generous bosom is spilling over the top and the sides of the apron.
Cuddly bunnies and fuzzy slippers! Does she really need to prepare our food wearing those?
The busty cook looks like she’s busy on the stove, but as soon as Lazarus walks to the fridge to fill up his drinks, she presses her body up against his, effectively trapping him against the kitchen counter. Lazarus isn’t looking very amused.
“I can get that for you.” She smiles flirtatiously up at him. He pushes her back, trying not to be too rough.
I could almost see smoke coming out of Serena’s ears. “Caspiaaaan!!!” she yells loudly, making the human jump.
“I’m going to kill that prince. I swear it,” she growls, advancing towards the woman who seems quite oblivious that her life could be in danger if she doesn’t back off soon.
Penny snickers and makes a quick exit to her room.
I try to hide my smile behind my hands. I’d probably have pulled that bitch by the hair if it was Constantine she was pressing herself up against instead of Lazarus.
We know our men can’t mate with those humans or werewolves without hurting or killing them, but that doesn’t stop us from getting jealous. Like our men, we are very territorial and possessive.
All of a sudden I feel two strong arms wrapped around my middle from behind.
“Let’s get out of here, sunshine,” whispers Constantine in my ear. “I see a war coming,” he continues. His voice is filled with humor.
I giggle as he gathers me closer and lifts me up while nibbling my ear.
“We’ll be in our room for our painting session!” he announces as he carries me up the stairs. I smack his muscled arm and he laughs.
Constantine closes the door to our bedroom with his foot, then he drops me in the middle of the bed. In a flash, he is on top of me.
His hand is pinning my hands down above my head. His body is pinning my body down. There’s a wicked smile playing on his lips. “I love you,” I whisper.
His eyes soften as he stares down at me. “I love you too, my sunshine, more than words can say,” he whispers back. “I belong to you, heart, body, and soul.”
I look up at him and smile.
He raises his eyebrows. “Now it’s your turn to say it.”
“Say what?”I pretend not to understand. Then I giggle as I wiggle my body underneath him. Delicious thrill course through my body. His gray eyes smolder. A hungry look crosses his gorgeous face.
“Naughty minx. You’re going to be punished for teasing me like that.”
“Ooohh…I can’t wait! Punish me, my prince. Wait, what’s the punishment this time?”
“The punishment is, you are going to be my dinner, appetizer, main course, and dessert. Now prepare to be properly devoured, my love,” he growls sexily in my ear, and he proceeds to do just that.